Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 2014 CT Fire Truck News UPDATED


April 2014:

Branford: Engine 4 is currently under going a refurb which will include being repainted.

Brookfield: The Brookfield Fire Department will likely order a new engine before the end of the year.

Enfield: The Enfield Fire District is currently spec'ing a 100' rear mount aerial truck and a pumper truck.

Kent: Kent should be taking delivery of the new Firematic BRAT brush truck next week.

Washington: The department is currently refurbishing the light duty rescue by putting the box on a new cab and chassis.  Also, a new engine is in the spec stage.

Stratford: Stratford is looking to secure funds to replace Ladder 1.

Bethlehem: A pumper tanker is currently being spec'd out with a purchase to be made during the next budget season.

Watertown: Watertown is not going with the Spartan/GK/LTI aerial and are currently looking at other options.

New Haven: Engine 9 and Engine 11 Pierce Arrow XT pumpers should be delivered to New Haven before the end of the month.

Preston: Smeal won the bid for a new rescue pumper that should be delivered early next year.

Milford: I'm being told that Smeal Fire Apparatus won the bid for a new quint to replace Engine 5.  Engine 5 will go into reserve status.

Colchester: A Marion/Spartan Walk Around Heavy Rescue is currently being built with a late summer delivery expected. 

East Haven: Squad 5 left town today to undergo a refurbishment.  The current box will be mounted on a 2014 Ford Cab & Chassis.  The spare rescue, a 1997 Ford/E-One ambulance (it doesn't transport) will be mounted on Squad 5 current cab and chassis.

Naugatuck: Naugatuck Fire has taken delivery of a Spartan Marion Rescue Pumper as well as the first Pierce which was refurbished by Bulldog Fire Apparatus.  The 2nd Pierce should be sent out in April for a refurbishment at Bulldog.

Branford: I believe Branford may have ordered a new ambulance due in either late this month or in May.  I am trying to verify and get additional info. 

West Hartford: Engine 1's new KME is in service.

Farmington: Farmington will be taking delivery of a Swab/Ford EMS truck in the next couple of months.  After July 1, funding should be available to replace two pumper trucks.  I believe one of the two trucks will be a rescue pumper.

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